PSYCH100: Introduction to Psychology
PSYCH144z: Climate Change: Individual Behavior and Group Attitudes
PSYCH301W: Basic Research Methods in Psychology
PSYCH407: Advanced Research Methods in Psychology
PSYCH424: Applied Social Psychology
Selected Awards, Grants, and Other Honors
2020 教师 Outreach Award (University-wide)
2014 Outstanding Teacher Aware for Tenure Line 教师 (宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校)
“Expanding the Summer College Immersion Program” (2021). Organization: William Penn Foundation, Role: PI (2 years).
“Development of Visitor-based acoustical and night sky indicators and standards” (2017). Organization: National Park Service, Role: Co-PI (2 years).
一个系统的评估 重新构想公民公地 公园改造”(2016). Organization: William Penn Foundation, Role: Co-PI. (3年+ 2年延期).
“Healthy parks, healthy people” (2016). Organization: Penn State Institutes of Energy and the Environment, 角色:团队成员(1年).
“A systematic evaluation of park renovations at Fairmount Park East Parkside – Phase 2” (2015). Organization: William Penn Foundation, Role: Co-Investigator (2 years).
“Healthy Parks, Healthy People” (2015). Organization: Penn State Institute for Energy and the Environment partnered with the Social Science Research Institutes, 角色:团队成员(1年).
“Soundscape-induced psychology and biobehavioral stress recovery.” Organization: Social Science Research Institute, Research Collaborative Fellowship (2014), 职位:PI(1年)
Outstanding Teacher Award for Tenure Line 教师, 澳门威尼斯人官网-阿宾顿 2014
社会环境心理学, 环境压力(噪音), 光污染), resource and recreation management, 恢复环境.
弗里曼,年代.E.B.D.拉霍恩,B., 苯菲尔J.A., & 纽曼,P. (新闻). The impact of persuasive communications on wildlife approach during ungulate viewing experiences in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Journal of Interpretation Research.
布朗宁,H.E.M., Li, H.Rigolon, A.拉尔森,L.R.塔夫,D.拉比,S.M., 苯菲尔J.A.,袁,S.奥巴马州麦卡尼林市.哈塔米,n.n.卡恩,P.H. (2022). Beyond “bluespace” and “greenspace”: A narrative review of possible health benefits from exposure to other natural landscapes. 整体环境科学, 159292.
布朗宁,M.H.E.M, Li, D.怀特,M.P.布拉特曼,G.N.贝克尔博士., & 苯菲尔J.A. (2022). Association between residential greenness during childhood and emotional intelligence during young adulthood: A retrospective life course analysis in the United States. 健康与地方,74, 1027-1055.
金,我.贝克,B.L.纽约州皮塔斯市.A., 苯菲尔J.A.希克森,B.D., & Mowen,.J. (2022). Perceived ownership of urban parks: The role of the social environment. 休闲研究杂志, 53(3), 450-472.
弗里曼,年代.B.D.米勒,Z.D., 苯菲尔J.A., & 纽曼,P. (2021). Acceptability factors for wildlife approach in park and protected area settings. Journal of Environmental Management, 286, 1-9.
权力,年代.L.格雷夫,A.R., 苯菲尔J.A.希克森,B.贝克,B.L.Mullenbach L.E., & Mowen,.J. (2021). Exploring the conditions that promote intergroup contact in urban parks. 休闲研究杂志, 1-24.
苯菲尔J.A.Rainbolt G.A.特鲁普,L.J., & 钟,P.A. (2020). Anthropogenic noise source and intensity effects on mood and relaxation in simulated park environments. 心理学前沿: Environmental Psychology.
科尔曼,年代.R.M.伯恩斯坦,M.J., 苯菲尔J.A., & 史密斯,我.M. (2020). Narcissistic grandiosity and risky health behaviors in college students. Journal of American College Health.
Mullenbach L.E.贝克,B.L., 苯菲尔J.A.希克森,B., & Mowen,.J. (2019). Assessing the relationship between community engagement and perceived ownership of an urban park in Philadelphia. 休闲研究杂志,50(3), 201-219.
胖的,.D., 苯菲尔J.A., 米勒,Z.D 'Antonio, A, Schwartz, F. (2019). The role of tourism impacts on cultural ecosystem services. 环境中,6(4), 43-55.
苯菲尔J.A.纳特,R.J.B.D.米勒,Z.D.科斯蒂根,H., & 纽曼,P. (2018). A laboratory study of the psychological impact of light pollution in national parks. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 57, 67-72.
苯菲尔J.B. D.Weinzimmer, D., & 纽曼,P. (2018). Motorized recreation sounds influence nature scene evaluations: The role of attitude moderators. 心理学前沿, 9.
伯恩斯坦,M.J.扎瓦兹基,M., Juth, V., 苯菲尔J.A., & 史密斯,我. (2018). Social interaction in daily life: Within-person associations between momentary social experiences and psychological and physical health indicators. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 35(3), 372-394.
苯菲尔J.A.Rainbolt G.A.贝尔,P.A., & 多诺万,G. (2015). Classrooms with nature views: Evidence of differing student perceptions and behaviors. 环境与行为.
苯菲尔J.A.B.D.纽曼,P., & 史密斯,我. (2014). Natural sound facilitates mood recovery from stress. Ecopsychology.
苯菲尔J.A.护士,G.Jakubowski, R.吉布森,A.塔夫脱,D.纽曼,P.等。. (2014). Testing noise in the field: A brief measure of individual noise sensitivity. E环境与行为,46(3), 353-372.
护士,克., 苯菲尔J.A., & Loomis, R.J. (2012). Self-report behavior mapping as a tool for gallery movement evaluation. 访客研究,15(2), 203-216.
Rainbolt G.N., 苯菲尔J.A., & 钟,P.A. (2012). The influence of anthropogenic sound in historical parks: Implications for park management. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 30(4), 53-65.
护士,克., 苯菲尔J.A., & 钟,P.A. (2011). New implications for wildlife loss evaluation: The role of subjective predictors. 野生动物的人类维度,16(2), 87-99.
苯菲尔J.A., 钟,P.A.特鲁普,L.J., & Soderstrom N.C. (2010). Does anthropogenic noise in national parks impair memory? 环境与行为,42(5), 693-706.
苯菲尔J.A.贝尔,P.A.特鲁普,L.J., & Soderstrom N.C. (2010). Aesthetic and affective effects of vocal and traffic noise on natural landscape assessment. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 30, 103-111.
‡Indicates a student co-authored paper
Ph.D. Colorado State University, Applied Social Psychology, 2008
M.S. Colorado State University, Applied Social Psychology, 2006
B.S. Colorado State University, Psychology and Sociology, 2003